Nutrition Mindset
Just because it's on the shelf at the grocery store doesn’t mean it belongs in your shelf at home
“Well Rounded” or “Well Balanced”
We hear the terms constantly. It is something easily achievable with little to no distractions. But we are human and constantly are challenged with new obstacles. The good news is the constant struggle of adversity gives us the opportunity to grow.
The more we have on our plate (Family, Work, Friends, Finances) the more challenging it is to stay balanced or rounded. These are challenges NOT excuses. Picture this, You are the center of the scale. Standing on a platform that only holds your 2 feet. Everything in your life is on a plank extending from your platform. You only have the ability to reach out and help other life aspects by others moving in closer to your center. If you have a platform that takes but never gives your platform topples. For example you are constantly leaping to that one person or job that always has an urgency. If you always assume that one plank will follow you but then they don’t, your platform topples. For example, assuming your loved ones will always pick up your slack.
Choose where your attention is set on for the good of maintaining your balance on your platform.
Embrace the difficulties and steer yourself to be balanced!
Heal from your wounds so you don't bleed on others.
Balance is not something that you hit once and it stays. You consistently need to check in and see where your attention is and where it's slacking. Here are a few examples of ways to give balance to different areas of your life.
Self Care
- meditation
- read a book
- get a pedicure
- take yourself on a date
- get a facial
- schedule a massage
- take a mental health day
- spend time in your garden
- cook your favorite meal
- take a nap

- date meal every 7 days
- date day every 7 weeks
- date getaway every 7 months
- go for a walk together
- find something you both enjoy; tennis, pickleball, card games
- volunteer together
- talk
- take a family vacation
- take a mother/daughter; mother/son; father/daughter; father/son time
- game night
- find an activity you all love; bowling, escape room, camping, hiking, finding seashells
- enjoy a no technology day
- a yes day!

- schedule a meeting with your boss to review and concerns or present any ideas
- update your resume and start applying for your dream job
- if you find your hours have extended too many times, discuss with your boss an alternative
- keep your to-do list to the top 3 things you need to accomplish that day; anything else done is a bonus!
- simplify your space by donating things you don't need, use or want
- organize and clean as you go
- incorporate your family in the organization of your home and set specific tasks to each person

- take a walk
- eat real food
- get 30 minutes of exercise in at least 3 times a week
- get enough sleep
- take your vitamins
- get out in the sun shine